viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2011

How does technology influences the environment?

the evolution of many modern machines can pollute the air, but isn't the unique cause, some factories also discarded some toxic substances into the rivers or seas destroying all the animals and plants in them.
the influence that the technology does in the environment can be positive or negative.
- better technology can help us study and better understand how we are affecting the environment.
-some things or machines require fosil fuels, and if burned, emits carbon dioxide into the air.

Environmental Problems

A variety of environmental problems affect our world, some people think that they don't have to take care of this, but it is very important that everyone does something for saving the planet. Every environmental problems has causes, many effects and a solution, one of the most important cause is the influence that makes the technology in the world, with the humans it cause a big damage at the environmet especially if we don't know what can we do to avoid it.